How to use a credit card wisely for beginners
Credit cards are proof of today’s modern financial sophistication, who doesn’t know the convenience of using a credit card? Just swipe the card and the transaction is successful. Not only the convenience of transacting, credit cards also usually offer many discounts and cashback for every use.
There are so many plus points that credit cards offer to their users, but did you know that if you are not wise in using a credit card, it can become a financial mess boomerang? Most people think of credit cards as a place of debt, because of the convenience of people who are actually overwhelmed when they have to pay bills.
The reason credit cards are very popular with the public
0% Installment. This is one of the things that is most favored by prospective credit card owners. 0% installments will make it easier than buying goods on credit directly.
Can Condition Periodic Payments. If you have electricity, telephone and other bills, the bank will pay all your bills first by reducing the credit card limit. That way you don’t have to bother paying the bills one by one.
Discounts and rewards. The more often the credit card is used, the more points or rewards you get. These points can be exchanged for direct prizes provided by the bank where you made the credit card.
Can pay credit card installments with a minimum payment. Did you know that credit cards give you payment waivers every month? You are allowed to pay the minimum amount of the monthly billing amount.
Getting a credit card for the first time is a very happy thing. Usually you will have a thousand plans with a new credit card. Mistakes in using credit cards are usually made by novice credit card holders. Well, here’s how to use a credit card wisely for beginners so you don’t get into credit card debt.

Tips for Using Credit Cards For Beginners
In essence, a credit card is a means of payment that makes it easier for you if used wisely. Credit cards can be a tool for managing monthly finances, especially when you get lots of discounts and cashback if you choose to pay via credit card. Here’s how to use a credit card wisely for beginners.
Choose a Credit Card That Fits Your Needs
There are many credit cards offered by banking financial institutions with various attractive offers. Choose a credit card that suits your needs, for example, if you want to use a credit card as a means of payment, choose a credit card that offers lots of discounts and shopping cashback.
Don’t Use Multiple Credit Cards
It’s okay to have more than one credit card. But what you need to know, the more credit cards you have, the greater the costs. Each credit card usually has an annual administration fee, late fees, bill printing fees and others.
If not used wisely, having lots of credit cards will actually make you shop more often without thinking. Credit card bills will swell every month, this will be a burden especially if you have more than one credit card.
Close or Deactivate Credit Cards That Are Rarely Used
Don’t get stuck with all the conveniences of a credit card. If you already have more than one credit card, immediately close the one that is not needed. But before that, make sure all the bills have been paid, yes.
Adjust Credit Card Limit With Income
In general, credit cards will provide a limit of two to three times your salary. For example, a salary of 4 million rupiah, the bank will offer a limit of 8 million rupiah. However, that does not mean you have to take the limit. Always use a credit card within reasonable limits and make sure the bill is no bigger than your monthly salary.
Use Credit Cards For Transactions You Can Pay
As explained earlier, credit cards are not places of debt. A credit card is a means of payment that facilitates transactions. So, don’t buy things that you can’t afford in cash.
We recommend using a credit card to pay for important things. This method is very effective to avoid credit card debt that is too large.
Research Before Transaction
You may be tempted by a 0% installment credit card promo or a 70% discount with a credit card. Don’t be tempted, even if you get a discount and low interest, the credit card limit will still decrease according to the value of the item.
For example, you buy a smartphone for 4 million rupiah with a 0% interest promo. Your limit will be reduced by 4 million rupiah. Many novice credit card users don’t realize this.