Angel Investors For The Ladies Entrepreneur

Angel InvestorsMost of the time, an “Angel Investor” is somebody who offers capital for a start up enterprise. Angels sometimes make investments their own funds, not like venture capitalists , who manage the pooled money of others in a professionally managed fund 6 7 Though sometimes reflecting the funding judgment of a person, the precise entity that gives the funding may be a trust , business, restricted legal responsibility company , investment fund, or other vehicle. A Harvard report 8 by William R. Kerr, Josh Lerner, and Antoinette Schoar supplies evidence that angel-funded startups are more likely to succeed than corporations that rely on other forms of preliminary financing. The paper by Kerr et al., found “that angel funding is positively correlated with greater survival, additional fundraising exterior the angel group, and sooner growth measured through growth in site visitors”.

Anette is an active Early Stage Tech Investor and Environmentalist, focusing … Read more

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